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Better your life with Stoicism now Easier than ever!



week long free trial included for all new users!

 Change Your Life, Mindset First!

Unlock the timeless wisdom of ancient philosophers with the power of Artificial Intelligence. Our platform merges the profound insights of the greatest Roman and Greek thinkers, offering you access to the strategies and philosophies that have guided history's most influential figures.


From world leaders to athletes to captains of industry, the Stoics have left an indelible mark on success across all fields. Our tool brings you the knowledge they wish they had at the outset of their journeys.


Engage with a Stoic advisor and experience conversations akin to those with Marcus Aurelius or Seneca. Explore life's complexities, both grand and minute, and receive the kind of thoughtful guidance one would expect from a sage philosopher.

Discover how to reshape your mindset for increased resilience, deeper fulfillment, and enhanced control over your life—starting today.


what would Marcus Aurelius Do? Ask Him Yourself.


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Chat With Your Advisor

- I want to ask this girl out but i'm shy.


- Is this this career right for me?


- What are the pros and cons of moving to texas?


- How should i handle my Toxic relationship?


Any question big or small gets a quality response.

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Mindset Coaching

- Start thinking like  a stoic!

12 New guided journals every week based on Marcus Aurelius' own journal.

- Guided Meditations

Give yourself the proper time and space to think about stoic principals deeply.

- Weekly challenges

Practice applying stoic principals to your life to make lasting changes.

- Continue the Conversation

Any Journal or challenge you wish to discuss can seamlessly be given to your personal Advisor to start a deep conversation.

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Stoic Resources Compiled

Learn about the Stoics of History.

Biography sections on famous stoics that were used to train our AI,

Daily quotes from the greats, and full books written by the greatest philosophers of all time.


Make sure to also check out the resources page on this website. We have gathered our favorite stoic books in pdf format which are free to access!


"the app gave me great advice when dealing with a rough family situation. Lucky to have found this app when I did!"


"Don't sleep on the Journals, I can feel a huge difference in my mood after doing them for just a couple weeks! This app is not for people who can't take pointed but accurate criticism. The AI can give some tough love at times."


"Learning stoic Philosophy is now way more fun and personalized. as someone who already was into stoicism I am really enjoying this app. and learning more about this philosophy."


More to Look Forward to

New Features As well as Constant Updates On existing ones.

We will Scale in Features and Value as our Stoic Advisor Community Grows!   For instance, we will be doing fine tuning of the AI Language Model after launch. This will continually improve the quality of feedback you will get from the advisor. A priority for us is to have our AI outputs more varied and have more pointed advice. We will also be compiling all of the free open source texts that we can into a library section in the future. We have a ton of ideas, but want to shape the app with feedback from our community as well so DM us on IG if you have any ideas.


Follow us on Instagram For Updates and Free Stoic Content:

  • Instagram


"Are my entries on the app private?"

Yes, Privacy is a huge concern for us and many decisions when setting up the groundwork for the app were influenced by us wanting your data safe and encrypted. Any journal or message that is "saved" on the app is only saved on your device, never on our server. Messages that are sent to the AI are done with end to end encryption and instantly dumped after the Ai provides it's response. these entries are never used for training the AI.


There are Guided Journal Apps as well as many Great Stoic resources, but Where our app is really special is in its use of sophisticated AI to bring you Advice that Changes as Your Life changes. We believe that AI is an extremely powerful tool if used correctly and this app leverages it to its fullest in order to help you down the path of self betterment. 


As often as we can manage! 


We are a small family run start up, all with day jobs, so we might be limited at first, but one of the first things we plan on doing is getting tech help to keep constant quality of life updates pushed as well as Add new Content Continually.

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